Mar 08, 2018 | Becky Campbell | 921 views
End of Year & Pancakes!
Hockey and Pancakes - a perfect combination!
Wow - its the end of the Hockey Season for 2017/2018! What a fun year this has been!
A VERY SPECIAL Thank you to all of our wonderful Coaches -
LA Kings: Coach Brett, Coach Richard, Coach Andrew, Coach Meagan, Coach Will and Coach Ryan
San Jose: Coach Craig, Coach Jason, Coach Rich, Coach Andrew
Pittsburgh: Coach Chris, Coach David, Coach James, Coach Michael, Coach Brent
Dallas: Coach Chad, Coach Curtis, Coach Ash, Coach Dan, Coach Mark
Detroit White: Coach Mark, Coach Jesse, Coach Kevin, Coach Meredee
Colorado: Coach Matt, Coach Steve, Coach Ryan, Coach Mike, Coach Dalton
Detroit Red: Coach Jo, Coach Lyne, Coach Todd
**If I forgot someone - i'm sorry
Without you guys, this season wouldn't have happened. The growth that our players have achieved over the course of the season has been phenomenal!
Now, did someone mention Pancakes? The Uxbridge Lions Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday March 24th at the Uxbridge Arena from 7:30am to 12:30pm. The cost this year is by donation in support of local community projects. After the games, please stop by for some Pancakes, and support our Lions Club!
Thanks again for your support!
See you next season - or at summer hockey! ;)
Convenor - Uxbridge Initiation Program